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OREF Web-Class for Postgraduates – Approach to Humeral Shaft Nonunion – Dr. John Mukhopadhaya
OREF on OrthoTV – Neglected Proximal Humerus Fractures – Dr John Mukhopadhaya
OREF Web-class for Orthopaedic : Interesting Cases: Orthopaedic Trauma - Dr John Mukhopadhaya
OREF Webclass :MIPPO in humerus shaft and proximal humerus Fracture : Surgical tips and techniques
OREF India Web-class– Capitellum Fracture: Approach and management - Dr John Mukhopadhyaya
OREF India Webclass MIPPO in Humerus Shaft And Proximal Humerus Fracture:Surgical Tips And Technique
OREF India PG Web Class- Approach to Proximal Humerus Fracture
Non union of Lateral Condyle Fracture of the humerus by Dr John Mukhopadhaya
OREF Web-class for Orthopaedic Postgraduates on OrthoTV – Neglected Elbow Injuries in Children
OREF India Webclass for Ortho Postgraduates Topic: Lateral Condylar Fracture of the HumerusChildren
Uttaranchal Orthopaedic Association Webinar-9: Dr. John Mukhopadhaya: Proximal Humerus Fractures
OREF Webclass : Tips for attending table viva in Practical examination of Orthopedic Postgraduates